WE are
We drive the renewables revolution! To this end, we develop lasting answers to visible and less obvious societal challenges.

The Encavis Group is completely committed to green electricity
Boldly stepping out to make the most of each new opportunity is a hallmark of our approach. In doing so, we attach great importance to our trustworthy team of colleagues and to our dependable business partnerships. That’s because we need each other in order to reach our business goals and shape the renewables revolution.
our management
our Wind farms and solar parks
in Europe
We manage solar parks in Europe
We manage wind farms in Europe
2.2 Mio.
Our plants provide clean energy for many households
We are Encavis
Together we cycle the renewables revolution!
Every day, we work hard as a team to create a future-proof energy supply that will stand the test of time. In doing so, we attach immense importance to the teamwork aspect. Mutual trust and respect are essential ingredients in our team – not just in the workplace, but even when we’re out riding our bikes!
We drive the renewables revolution from several locations
Die Hauptstandorte des Encavis-Konzerns
Encavis AG
Große Elbstraße 59
22767 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0)40 3785 620
Fax: +49 (0)40 3785 62 129
E-Mail: info@encavis.com
Encavis Asset Management AG
Prof.-Messerschmitt-Str. 3
85579 Neubiberg
Tel.: +49 (0)89 44230 600
Fax: +49 (0)89 44230 6011
E-Mail: assetmanagement@encavis.com
Stern Energy S.p.A.
Largo Novaro, 1/A
43121 Parma (Italien)
Tel.: +39 0521 229761
Fax: +39 0521 229 779
E-Mail: info@stern-energy.com